What is Thetahealing ®

Maria is a Certified Thetahealer ® through the Thetahealing Institute of Knowledge. This technique was coined and created by Vianna Stibal in 1991. This technique can be utilized to shift the practitioner and client into a Theta brain wave state to reprogram your subconscious mind to help you manifest success and happiness!

What to Expect in a Thetahealing ® session

Each session Maria will discuss what your priorities are for the day and what stressors have been coming up within the week.

We will decide which beliefs to test (belief work) and navigate underlying beliefs that are driving stress/overwhelm in your day to day.

Once we determine the beliefs that are no longer serving your highest good, we will shift into the theta state through meditation using the Thetahealing® Technique to delete the old beliefs and reprogram in new subconscious beliefs that serve your highest good so you can create the life you love!

Maria also focuses on helping you shift behaviors/habits in your daily & weekly routines with the new subconscious programs in place, to support you reaching your goals!

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