Empowering Women in Leadership: Making Decisions with Confidence

This blog post is inspired by the Unleash your Potential podcast.

Welcome to the latest blog post with Maria Serbus, for busy boss moms and women in leadership! In this post, we discuss all things discussion making. In today's fast-paced world, where women are multitasking and juggling various responsibilities, making confident and informed decisions is paramount to success. Let’s dive in to the insights and strategies for effective decision making in leadership roles.

1. The Need for Conscious Decision Making:

Making decisions is a natural part of our lives, and it is crucial to be aware of the space from which we make these choices. Many women in leadership positions often face overwhelm, stress, and anxiety. However, as Maria highlights in the podcast episode, making decisions from a place of fear or stress may not lead to the best outcomes. Instead, it is important to check in with ourselves and make decisions consciously and confidently.

2. Overcoming Decision Fatigue:

Being a leader means dealing with a high volume of decisions, both big and small, on a daily basis. This can lead to decision fatigue, where we may start making choices on autopilot without giving them the necessary thought and intention. To overcome decision fatigue, Maria suggests being more conscious and intentional in our decision-making process. This involves acknowledging our own values, goals, and passions, rather than simply going along with the crowd or trying to please others.

3. Embracing Your Own Path:

In the episode, Maria discusses how many women in leadership roles may experience the desire for deeper meaning and purpose in their careers. This can often lead to questioning whether a career switch or pursuing new opportunities is the right path. To make such decisions, it is vital to tap into one's own passions and align them with professional goals. Maria advises her listeners to be brave and explore new avenues that align with their values, as this can lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying career.

4. Creating a Supportive Environment:

Decision making in leadership roles can be overwhelming at times, which is why it is crucial to create a supportive environment. Surrounding yourself with mentors, coaches, or a network of like-minded individuals can help you gain valuable insights and guidance when facing complex decisions. Furthermore, having a support system can provide encouragement and reassurance, enabling you to make decisions with more confidence and clarity.


As women in leadership, decision making plays a significant role in our professional and personal lives. By consciously examining the space from which we make decisions, overcoming decision fatigue, embracing our own path, and creating a supportive environment, we can make well-informed and confident decisions. Remember, being an empowered woman in leadership means embracing the responsibility of making choices that align with your values and aspirations.

We hope this blog post has provided you with valuable insights and actionable strategies to enhance your decision-making skills as a woman in leadership. Stay tuned for more inspiring content on our website for women in leadership to unleash your full potential!

👉🏽To learn more listen to this episode on Spotify! Episode 27 of the Unleash your Potential Podcast.

If you'd like to see a certain topic covered or you have questions, email me or connect with me on social media below!

As a mom and self-proclaimed high-achieving entrepreneur herself, Maria Serbus is an embodiment coach for women in leadership, a stress management consultant, and keynote speaker in southeastern Minnesota.

To learn more, check out the Unleash your Potential with Maria podcast.


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